Guidance on Community-wide Expression and Conduct

Under the umbrella of its private, 501c3 and National Historic Landmark status, Cranbrook Educational Community is comprised of various program areas and intersecting educational precincts that adhere to both community-wide values and to program-specific accreditation and operational requirements, which vary depending on the purpose, educational practices, the audiences each program serves, and can require multipurpose use of campus resources and buildings.

Along with CEC-wide policies, values, and code of conduct, program areas have defined additional policies on time, place, manner, forms, and limitations of expression and behavior, as well as program-specific guidelines and codes of conduct. These guidelines and codes of conduct are based on each program area's respective academic, cultural, scientific, and professional practices and stakeholders’ stages of development and learning.

In addition to any program-specific guidelines and codes of conduct, CEC-wide policy on expression and behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following directives:

  • While committed to the principles of program area-specific policies on academic freedom, conduct, and expression, as a private entity, Cranbrook protects its own freedom to communicate the institution’s values and principles and to preserve its neutrality on all and any number of subjects. 
  • As a non-profit organization, Cranbrook Educational Community and its program areas are prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elected public office. The CEC may promote only non-partisan voter education or registration activities. Therefore, programming and displays in support of any candidate for a public office are not permitted.
  • At all onsite and offsite engagements at which students, faculty, and staff are recognized for their affiliation with Cranbrook, the views expressed must be in compliance with the framework set forth in Cranbrook’s Purposes of Cranbrook Educational Community. In these settings, any personal views that a Cranbrook student, faculty, or staff member chooses to share need to be identified explicitly as the individual’s and cannot be construed as the opinion of the Cranbrook Educational Community. Only the President or formal designee may officially speak on behalf of Cranbrook Educational Community.
  • In the course of academic discourse, faculty, staff, students, and visitors must respect the right of other community members to speak freely, contest ideas expressed on campus, and be heard on a variety of topics, even when the views expressed may be controversial, provocative, or critical, as long as that expression is exercised in alignment with Cranbrook’s and its respective program areas’ codes of conduct and without any form of harassment, bigotry or physical violence.
  • At the same time, employees throughout campus who find themselves in positions of influence, particularly all educators, must recognize the responsibility not to proselytize when expressing personal views, as this can compromise the integrity of the learning and creative environment for students as they form their own perspectives. 

Cranbrook respects and supports our graduate students and our faculty in pursuing, within the confines of studio practice and academic research, topics that may be controversial, provocative, or intellectually critical in nature. Campus areas dedicated to academic research, graduate studio work, and presentation of artistic and scholarly knowledge are provided latitude for creative and intellectual expression within the policies defined for the respective program area. Therefore, visitors and community members may encounter expression in certain areas of campus that may not align with one’s personal view or perspective yet comply with Cranbrook’s respective program area policy.

  • In all campus spaces and Cranbrook operations, we abide by Bloomfield Hills city ordinance for fire, safety, occupancy, and public disturbance codes.
  • In addition, given our campus's national historic landmark status, students, faculty, and staff are not permitted to add to, move, alter, or expand the physical interior or exterior campus infrastructure. This includes: 
    • For everyone’s safety, any modifications made to studio, classroom, office, or dorm windows that prevent them from opening or fully functioning as emergency exits are prohibited. 
    • No posting, painting, marking, or gluing any substances in or on any windows, walls, or ceilings, except where specifically permitted by a program area. 
    • No community member may deface any space not intended or dedicated for posting, artwork, or art display.  
    • Specific public expression policies exist in the respective program areas.
  • Public thoroughfares and shared spaces on campus are considered multi-use and accessible to all community members and, therefore, must be kept free of any form of partisan expression. These thoroughfares and shared spaces include but are not restricted to academic spaces, hallways, lawns, and common areas unless otherwise defined by program-area-specific policies.

While the CEC will make the best effort to respect program area-specific requirements and support Cranbrook’s fundamental commitment to a free and open discussion of ideas:

  • Cranbrook has both the discretion and responsibility to take the necessary steps to ensure that the conditions for academic and creative expression are consistent with CEC and program-area policies and with the commitment to providing a collegial and respectful learning environment and ensuring no disruption of Cranbrook’s operation or interference with educational activities of others.
  • Cranbrook and its respective program areas may reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of expression on its property to ensure that it does not disrupt classes, operations, or community-sponsored events.
  • Cranbrook may restrict expression that incites imminent lawless action, falsely defames a specific individual, or targets a particular individual or individuals with threats, harassment, or any other form of intimidation that conflicts with our code of conduct and community guidelines. 
  • Any restrictions will be implemented and adjudicated by the leadership of the impacted program area, in partnership with CEC leadership as needed, aligned with our code of conduct and the program area practices set forth in the respective handbooks.